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MIGR07: Non-Nordic and non-EU27/EFTA/UK immigrants, by reporting country, country background, time, sex and reason for residence permit

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National register-based statistics, delivered by the National Statistical Institutes.
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Selected 0 of total 3

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Regions, total , Europe (excl. reporting country, Nordic countries and EU27/EFTA/UK) , Africa ,

Selected 0 of total 219


Selected 1 of total 6


Selected 0 of total 3

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Total , Refugees , Family - refugees ,

Selected 0 of total 7

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(maximum number allowed is 1,000,000)

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Non-Nordic and non EU27/EFTA/UK migrants resident in the reporting country immigrated from 1997 and onwards. On Residents: Please note that refugees/asylum seekers are not automatically registered as residents in the Nordic countries, and are therefore not fully included in the statistics of this matrix. This means that for example immigrants from Ukraine are underestimated in the present matrix, since they have not been in a Nordic country long enough or otherwise do not meet the rules for population registration. See the respective country's regulations for further information. Definition of Country Background:
Foreign-born with two foreign-born parents: their own country of birth.
Descendants: mother's country of birth, or father's country of birth if mother's is unknown.
Rest of the population: Reporting country i.e. one or both parents' country of birth is the reporting country.
The list of countries reported under Country Background was expanded in the 2024 update. For the first three years in the matrix, a total of 20 countries were used. They were the largest non-Nordic countries of birth in each Nordic country and at a Nordic level in 2020/2021. For each Nordic country, the countries were ranked from largest to smallest in terms of population size. The countries were then given a sum-rank for the Nordic region, and then ranked again at a Nordic level. In addition, for the purpose of comparison, the chosen countries had to be ranked among the 25 highest in at least 3 of the 5 Nordic countries. The result was 20 countries for foreign-born with two foreign-born parents, and 9 countries for descendants. For the last three years in the matrix, a complete list of countries, following the ISO 3166-2 standard, has been used. A person can have a background in a country that does not exist anymore, for example Former Soviet Union. For Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden they are still registered as having their background in that country, while Norway have registrered these under a today existing country (so that people with a background in Former Soviet Union are registered under Russian Federation etc.). Definitions of Reason for Recidence Permit:
Refugee: Granted asylum or residence permit on humanitarian grounds, as a resettlement refugee, or as a person who belongs to a group with collective protection.
Family - refugees: Granted residence permit as close family member reuniting, accompaning or forming a family with a refugee in the host country.
Family - other: Granted residence permit as close family member reuniting, accompaning or forming a family with a person who is not a refugee in the host country.
Labour: Primary reason for residence permit is labour.
Education: Primary reason for residence permit is education.
Other: Granted residence for all other reasons.
In some cases, subsets do not add up to specified totals. This is because summation in these cases took place after small values __were suppressed for confidentiality reasons. The differences are, however, small in relation to the values. This matrix is the result of an integration and migration co-operation project involving the Nordic Statistical Institutes. On the 2024 update:
Three new years were added to the Integration and Migration matrices.
In addition to percentages, absolute numbers, i.e. number of people are also reported in some of the matrices this update.
The list of countries reported under Country Background was expanded in the 2024 update, see above.

reporting country


eference date: 31 December previous year.
Reason for residence permit: Most recent residence permit among non-Nordic and non-EU27/EFTA/UK citizens. Adopted foreign-born not included.
'Other' includes au-pair permits and permits granted under the Special Act for displaced persons from Ukraine.
Confidentiality: All values smaller than 3 have been removed for years 2020-2022.
On Country background:
Residents born in Greenland or the Faroe Islands figure with Denmark as country background.
Residents born in overseas territories figure with the sovereign state as country background (e.g. Gibraltar and Falkland Islands are contained in United Kingdom, French Polynesia and New Caledonia are contained in France, Aruba and CuraƧao are contrained in The Netherlands etc.).
Dissolved contries might occur, e.g. Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, since some persons are still registered with these countries as their country of birth, if they immigrated when these countries still existed.
Palestine has only been used as a possible place of birth since 1st January 2022. Only persons who immigrated later than this date, or who have requested a change, are registered with Palestine as their place of birth. Therefore, the number of Palestinians in Denmark is underreported. Other Palestinians will figure as unknown or a neighbouring country.
Please note that values for 2017-2019 were updated in 2024, due to implementation of new methods improving data quality.


Reference date: January 1st.
Foreign-born with two foreign-born parents and four foreign-born grandparents. Adopted foreign-born are excluded.
Reason for residence permit: The primary reason for the first immigration among non-Nordic and non-EU27/EFTA/UK citizens, first immigrated 1997 or later, according to the information registered in the registers of the national immigration authorities and otherwise as it is possible to derive from various relevant register variables. Adopted foreign-born not included.


Reference date: 31 December previous year.
Reason for residence permit: The reason for residence permit among non-Nordic and non-EU27/EFTA/UK citizens, immigrated 1997 or later, according to the last information registered in the registers of the national immigration authorities.
Confidentiality: All values smaller than 5 have been removed for years 2020-2022.