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COMM10: Cross-border commuters by type of municipality, region of residence, sex, age, time and country of work

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National statistical institutes.
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Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.DK, Total (region of residence) , DK, Northern Jutland (region of residence) , DK, Region Middle Jutland (region of residence) ,

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Data cover the number of employed persons in the resident population aged 16 years and above. Employees are included, self-employed are not included. Cross border commuters would not be residing in the same country as the country they work in.

Commuters that are residents in border municipalities are defined as commuters from a border municipality irrespective of which municipality they commute to. Commuters resident in border municipalities can commute to a border or a non-border municipalities in the country where they work.

The data does not give information on how, or how frequently the commuting takes place. It can be daily or weekly basis or even less frequent, and in some jobs the commuting can be done as remote work from home.

Commuters to Denmark: All persons who had a paid job in Denmark by the end of November and who were not part of the resident population in Denmark in the same week. A paid job is defined in the same way as in the register-based employment statistics national statistics.
Commuters from Denmark: All persons resident in Denmark by the end of December having a job/paid job in another Nordic country according to their definition of jobs.

Border municipalities in Denmark are defined as municipalities bordering Sweden within the Capital Region and the municipalities bordering Norway within the Region Northern Jutland.
The following municipalities are counted as border municipalities in Denmark:
Region Capital Area: Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Dragør, Tårnby, Albertslund, Ballerup, Brøndby, Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Glostrup, Herlev, Hvidovre, Høje-Taastrup, Ishøj, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Rødovre, Vallensbæk, Allerød, Egedal, Fredensborg, Frederikssund, Furesø, Gribskov, Halsnæs, Helsingør, Hillerød, Hørsholm, Rudersdal, Bornholm.
Region Northern Jutland: Brønderslev, Frederikshavn, Hjørring, Jammerbugt, Læsø, Mariagerfjord, Morsø, Rebild, Thisted, Vesthimmerland

Commuters to Finland: All persons who had a paid job in Finland in the last week of December and who were not part of the resident population in Finland during the same period. A paid job is defined in the same way as in the register-based employment statistics in Finland. The lower age limit for employed persons in the national register-based employment statistics is 18 years.
Commuters from Finland: All persons resident in Finland on 31 December having a job/paid job in another Nordic country according to their definition of jobs.

Border municipalities in Finland are those having a border to Norway or Sweden.
The following municipalities are counted as border municipalities in Finland:
Region Northern and Eastern Finland: Enontekiö, Inari, Kolari, Muonio, Pello, Tornio, Utsjoki and Ylitornio.

Commuters to Iceland: All persons who had a paid job in Iceland in November and who were not part of the resident population in Iceland by the end of the year. A paid job is defined in the same way as in the national statistics.
Commuters from Iceland: All persons resident in Iceland by 31 December having a job/paid job in another Nordic country according to their definition of jobs.

Iceland is defined as having no common border with other Nordic countries

Commuters to Norway: All persons who had a paid job in Norway in the third week in November and who were not part of the resident population in Norway in the same week. A paid job is defined in the same way as in the national statistics in Norway.
Commuters from Norway: All persons resident in Norway in the third week of November having a job/paid job in another Nordic country according to their definition of jobs.

Municipalities with a border to Sweden: Sør-Østlandet 5 municipalities, Hedmark and Oppland 7 municipalities, Trøndelag 7 municipalities, Nord-Norge 13 municipalities.
Municipalities with border to Finland: Nord- Norge 8 municipalities. Oslo and Akershus has 1 municipality with a border to Sweden, but the number of commuters are too small to be specified.
The following municipalities are counted as border municipalities in Norway:
Sør-Østlandet: Halden, Hvaler, Aremark, Marker, Rømskog
Hedmark og Oppland: Eidskog, Kongsvinger, Grue, Åsnes, Våler, Trysil, Engerdal
Trøndelag: Røros, Tydal, Meråker, Verdal, Snåsa, Lierne, Røyrvik
Nord-Norge: Hattfjelldal, Hemnes, Rana, Saltdal, Fauske, Sørfold, Hamarøy, Narvik, Tysfjord , Ballangen, Bardu, Målselv, Storfjord, Kåfjord, Nordreisa, Kautokeino, Karasjok, Tana, Sør-Varanger, Nesseby

Commuters to Sweden: All persons who had a paid job in Sweden in November and who were not part of the resident population in Sweden during the same period. A commuter is defined in the same way as employed in the register based employment statistics in Sweden.
Commuters from Sweden: All persons resident in Sweden on 31 December having a job/paid job in another Nordic country according to their definition of jobs.

Border municipalities in Sweden are those having a border to Norway or Finland and also the whole of Skåne county bordering Denmark.
The following municipalities are counted as border municipalities in Sweden:
Region South Sweden: Svalöv, Staffanstorp, Burlöv, Vellinge, Östra Göinge, Örkelljunga, Bjuv, Kävlinge, Lomma, Svedala, Skurup, Sjöbo, Hörby, Höör, Tomelilla, Bromölla, Osby, Perstorp, Klippan, Åstorp, Båstad, Malmö, Lund, Landskrona, Helsingborg, Höganäs, Eslöv, Ystad, Trelleborg, Kristianstad, Simrishamn, Ängelholm, Hässleholm
Region West Sweden: Dals-Ed, Tanum, Strömstad
Region North Middle Sweden: Älvdalen, Malung-Sälen, Torsby, Arvika, Eda, Årjäng
Region Middle Norrland Sweden: Åre, Strömsund, Krokom, Härjedalen, Berg
Region Upper Norrland Sweden: Haparanda, Övertorneå, Pajala, Kiruna, Gällivare, Jokkmokk, Arjeplog, Sorsele, Storuman, Vilhelmina