Nordic Statistics
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Environment and energy
Geography and climate
Integration and migration
International trade
Labour market
LABO01: Employed aged 15-64 (1000 persons) per 1 January by reporting country, activity, sex and time

LABO03: Part-time employment by reporting country, working time, sex, age, unit and time

LABO04: Gender balance in listed companies by sex, reporting country, time and position

LABO06: Labour market segregation by gender domination, reporting country, unit, sex and time

LABO07: Time (hours) spent on housework outside work by reporting country, time and sex

LABO08: Board members of larger publicly listed companies by reporting country, time, position and sex

LABO09: Proportion (percent) of employed who are employers by reporting country, sex and time

LABO10: Share of temporary employees by reporting country, age, sex and time

LABO11: Employment rate by reporting country, educational attainment level, citizenship, age, sex and time

LABO12: Accidents at work by reporting country, activity, severity, unit and time

WORK02: Employment and unemployment by reporting country, age, employment status, sex and time

Nordic Gender Equality Indicators
Nordic Indicators for our Vision 2030
Prices and Consumption
Public finance
Science and technology
Social integration and income