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COMP53: Cross-border commuting by reporting country and time

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Öppna Öresundsdatabasen - Örestat [Pendling Öresund 1997-2020].
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This is a vision indicator selected by the Nordic Council of Ministers. It relates to the target Nordic mobility under the area A competitive Nordic region.

The indicator measures the number of people who cross-border commute in the Region of Øresund (i.e. between Denmark and Sweden).

Please note that there is a break in the time series. Data for the period 1997-2014 comes from Ørestat and includes people who live in the Östdanmark region of Denmark and have their main job (in November) in the Skåne region of Sweden or vice versa. The statistics only concern employees, ie. self-employed and employed spouses are not included.

From 2015 and forward, a new method is used. Cross-border commuters are identified using data from national registers with figures from tax agencies in both Denmark and Sweden, without any exchange of microdata which was used previously. The new method also includes commuters from the entirety of Sweden (previously only from the Skåne region) to Östdanmark region, and from the whole of Denmark (previously only from the Östdanmark region) to Skåne region. This increases the number of commuters compared to the old method. For more information on the new method, please refer to the report by Region Skåne.

Please not that from 2015 and onwards, the country subsets do not match the Nordic total. The difference is made up of sailors who commute from Denmark and Sweden to work in Öresund.

In the table, the Nordic Region is comprised of the following countries/areas: Denmark and Sweden.

For more information on Our Vision 2030 and the indicators, please see this article.

reporting country


Preliminary data, definition differs: 2019-2020 (Ørestat). Statistics on commuting from the Danish part of the Øresund region to the Swedish part of the Øresund region is missing for 2016-2018. The number of commuters 2015 are from the old method.


Preliminary data, definition differs: 2015-2020 (Ørestat).