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PUBS11: Total general government expenditure by reporting country, national accounts indicator, unit and time

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Million euro, million units of national currency and percent of GDP
Eurostat [gov_10a_main] (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, EU, EA).
Delivered by National Statistics Institutes (Faroe Islands, Greenland).
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Denmark , Faroe Islands , Greenland ,

Selected 0 of total 9

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Total general government expenditure , Final consumption expenditure , Intermediate consumption ,

Selected 0 of total 14


Selected 0 of total 3

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1995 , 1996 , 1997 ,

Selected 1 of total 29

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 1,000,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 50 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 1,000,000
Institutional units and groupings of units as defined in ESA 2010. The institutional units included to general government sector (S.13) according to ESA 2010 (paragraph 2.112) are the following:

(a) general government units which exist through a legal process to have judicial authority over other units in the economic territory, and administer and finance a group of activities, principally providing non-market goods and services, intended for the benefit of the community,

(b) a corporation or quasi-corporation which is a government unit, if its output is mainly non-market and a government unit controls it,

(c) non-profit institutions recognised as independent legal entities which are non-market producers and which are controlled by general government,

(d) autonomous pension funds, where there is a legal obligation to contribute, and where general government manages the funds with respect to the settlement and approval of contributions and benefits.

reporting country


Includes Ă…land.

Break in time series: 2015 for Total general government expenditure and Intermediate consumption.


EA refers to the euro area, with a fixed area composition of the current 20 countries (from 2023).


From June 2020: EU refers to EU27_2020, which is the European Union with a fixed area composition of the current 27 countries.

national accounts indicator

Final consumption expenditure

Expenditure by resident institutional units - including households and enterprises whose main economic center of interest is in that economic territory - on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual needs or wants or the collective needs of members of the community.

Intermediate consumption

An accounting concept which measures the value of the goods and services consumed as inputs by a process of production. It excludes fixed assets whose consumption is recorded as consumption of fixed capital. The goods and services may be either transformed or used up by the production process.

Compensation of employees (payable)

Consists of all payments in cash and kind by employers in remuneration of the work done by their employees during the relevant period. The payments cover gross wages and salaries, employers' actual social contributions and imputed social contributions.

reporting country: Finland , national accounts indicator: Total general government expenditure , time: 2015

Break in time series.

reporting country: Finland , national accounts indicator: Intermediate consumption , time: 2015

Break in time series.