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AGRI11: Crop production from arable land by reporting country, crops and time

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1 000 tonnes
Harvest year
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Sökfält för att markera värden i listanDenmark , Finland , Åland ,

Valda 0 Totalt 7

Sökfält för att markera värden i listanA Cereals to produce grain (including seed) , A.1 Wheat and spelt , A.2 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (Maslin) ,

Valda 0 Totalt 24

Sökfält för att markera värden i listan2010 , 2011 , 2012 ,

Valda 1 Totalt 14

Antal valda celler är:
(maximalt tillåtna antal är 1 000 000)

Presentation på skärmen är begränsad till 1 000 rader och 50 kolumner

Antal valda celler överstiger tillåtna 1 000 000
Production means the harvested production. Harvested production means the production which is harvested and transported away from the field. It includes losses and wastage which takes place on the farm after harvest, quantities consumed directly on the farm and marketed quantities. It is indicated in units of basic product weight.

No data available for Greenland or Faroe Islands.

Target population: All area cultivated with crops.

Object: Land parcel cultivated for the production of a crop.

Measure: Sums of harvested production.

In some cases there are values for all subgroups of a crop but no total is reported. This is due to the regulation governing the data to be sent to Eurostat. In many cases, subsets are mandatory but not totals. If non-mandatory totals are sent in they are reported, otherwise the total is marked with .. (not available). This means that the accounts for one and the same country can vary over time, depending on what they choose to report each year. See the regulation annex, Table 1 PART B, for information on what applies to each type of crop. If there are values for all sub-groups of a crop they can be summed for a correct total.


Crops classified according to according to Regulation (EC) No 543/2009, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/1557 and the ESS agreement.

In EU standard humidity.

reporting country


Includes Åland.


Data from Åland is also included in the data from Finland.

Data for Åland is obtained from a different matrix at Eurostat than data for the other countries. This matrix has a slightly longer production time.


European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)


A Cereals to produce grain (including seed)

All cereals harvested dry for grain, regardless of use.

A.1 Wheat and spelt

Subgroup to A Cereals to produce grain (including seed).

A.2 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (Maslin)

Subgroup to A Cereals to produce grain (including seed).

A.3 Barley

Subgroup to A Cereals to produce grain (including seed).

A.4.1 Oats

Subgroup to A.4 Oats and spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than maslin).

A.4.2 Spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than Maslin)

Subgroup to A.4 Oats and spring cereal mixtures (mixed grain other than maslin).

A.5 Grain maize and corn-cob-mix

Subgroup to A Cereals to produce grain (including seed).

A.6 Triticale

Subgroup to A Cereals to produce grain (including seed).

A.7 Sorghum

Subgroup to A Cereals to produce grain (including seed).

A.8 Rice and Other cereals n.e.c. (buckwheat, millet, canary seed, etc.)

Subgroup to A Cereals to produce grain (including seed). Rice is included here as it is not grown in the Nordic countries.

B Dry pulses and protein crops to produce grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)

Dried pulses and protein crops harvested dry for grain, regardless of use, (including dry pulses used for fodder, human consumption or renewable energy production).

C Root crops

Crops cultivated for their root, tuber or modified stem.

C.1 Potatoes (including seed potatoes)

Subgroup to C Root crops.

C.2 Sugar beet (excluding seed)

Subgroup to C Root crops.

C.3 Other root crops n.e.c.

Subgroup to C Root crops.

D Industrial crops

Industrial crops, which are normally not sold directly for consumption because they need to be industrially processed prior to final use.

D.1 Oilseeds

Subgroup to D Industrial crops. Mainly Rape and turnip rape seeds and Linsseeds (oilflax) are grown in the Nordic countries.

D.2 Other industrial crops

Subgroup to D Industrial crops. Includes Fibre crops; Tobacco; Hops; Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants; Energy crops n.e.c. and Other industrial crops n.e.c.

E Plants harvested green from arable land

All arable land crops harvested 'green' as whole plant and intended mainly for animal feed, forage or renewable energy production, namely cereals, grasses, leguminous or industrial crops and other arable land crops harvested and/or used green.

E.1 Temporary grasses and grazing's

Subgroup to E Plants harvested green from arable land.

E.2 Leguminous plants harvested green

Subgroup to E Plants harvested green from arable land.

E.3 Green maize

Subgroup to E Plants harvested green from arable land.

E.4 Other plants harvested green from arable land

Subgroup to E Plants harvested green from arable land.

F Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries

All brassicas, leafy and stalked vegetables, vegetables cultivated for fruit, root, tuber and bulb vegetables, fresh pulses, other vegetables harvested fresh (not dry) and strawberries.