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ENTP03: New enterprise creations, index (2013Q1=100) by reporting country and time

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Index (2013Q1=100)
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [OECD].
Nordic Statistics database (Nordic Region) [POPU02].
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Valda 0 Totalt 6

Sökfält för att markera värden i listan2007Q1 , 2007Q2 , 2007Q3 ,

Valda 1 Totalt 70

Antal valda celler är:
(maximalt tillåtna antal är 1 000 000)

Presentation på skärmen är begränsad till 1 000 rader och 50 kolumner

Antal valda celler överstiger tillåtna 1 000 000
Base year for index is the first quarter of 2013. Data for the Nordic Region (the Nordic countries) is calculated by using the average population as weight.

reporting country


Data for Finland includes Åland.


Data for Åland is also included in Finland.

Nordic region

The Nordic region is a weighted average of the index based on the populations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Last observation carried forward is used for countries with missing values.