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POPU07: Population changes by reporting country, time and indicator

Välj variabler

Number of persons/live births/deaths
Statistics Faroe Islands [IB01020].
StatBank Greenland [BEESAT2 Vital statistics].
Ålands statistik- och utredningsbyrå (ÅSUB) [BE012].
Statistics Norway [6913].
Nordic Statistics database (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden) [POPU01], [CHIL01], [DEAT01], [MIGR03].
Nu har du hamnat på en sida där du ska välja variabler och värden för dessa.
Sökfält för att markera värden i listanDenmark , Faroe Islands , Greenland ,

Valda 0 Totalt 8

Sökfält för att markera värden i listan1975 , 1976 , 1977 ,

Valda 1 Totalt 51

Sökfält för att markera värden i listanPopulation 1 January , Live births , Deaths ,

Valda 0 Totalt 10

Antal valda celler är:
(maximalt tillåtna antal är 1 000 000)

Presentation på skärmen är begränsad till 1 000 rader och 50 kolumner

Antal valda celler överstiger tillåtna 1 000 000
Natural population increase: Live births less deaths.

Net migration: Immigration less emigration.

Population increase: Natural population increase plus net migration.

Corrections: The deviation between actual population increase (difference between population 1 January and 31 December) and Population increase, as defined above.

Population from POPU01

Live births from CHIL01

Deaths from DEAT01

Immigration, emigration and net migration from MIGR03

reporting country


Until and including 2006: Population by 31 December the previous year.


Includes Åland.

Population by 31 December the previous year.


Population by 31 December the previous year.


Population by 31 December the previous year. Corrections are interpreted as the deviation between the population increase calculated as the change between 31 December year n + 1 and n, and the population increase calculated as natural population increase plus net migration.