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ENVAC01: Material flow accounts by material, reporting country, unit, indicator and time

Välj variabler

1000 tonnes and kilogram per euro GDP
Eurostat [env_ac_mfa] (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, EU).
Nordic Statistics database (Nordic Region) [NAAC01].
Nu har du hamnat på en sida där du ska välja variabler och värden för dessa.
Sökfält för att markera värden i listanTotal , Biomass , Metal ores (gross ores) ,

Valda 0 Totalt 7

Valfri variabel
Sökfält för att markera värden i listanDenmark , Finland , Iceland ,

Valda 0 Totalt 7


Valda 0 Totalt 2


Valda 0 Totalt 4

Sökfält för att markera värden i listan2006 , 2007 , 2008 ,

Valda 1 Totalt 18

Antal valda celler är:
(maximalt tillåtna antal är 1 000 000)

Presentation på skärmen är begränsad till 1 000 rader och 50 kolumner

Antal valda celler överstiger tillåtna 1 000 000
Material flow accounts: A compiltion of material flow inputs into national economies. Cover all solid, gaseous, and liquid material inputs, except for water and air, measured in mass units per year. Like the system of national accounts, material flow accounts constitute a multi-purpose information system. The detailed material flows provide a rich empirical database for numerous analytical purposes.

Many of the data points are eurostat estimates and provisional data. Please see Eurostat metadata (table: env_ac_mfa) for more information.

reporting country


Domestic extraction of Waste for final treatment and disposal and Other products is not applicable. 2006 - 2010: Domestic material consumption is not applicable for Waste for final treatment and disposal.


Includes Åland.

2006 - 2011: Domestic material consumption, Exports and Imports are Eurostat estimates. Domestic extraction of Waste for final treatment and disposal and Other products is not applicable.


Domestic extraction of Waste for final treatment and disposal and Other products are not applicable.


Domestic extraction of Waste for final treatment and disposal and Other products are not applicable.


Domestic extraction of Waste for final treatment and disposal and Other products are not applicable.

Nordic region

Kilo per euro GDP based on chain linked volumes for the Nordic Region is calculated as a weighted GDP based on the indivudal countries chain linked volumes (not as a simple addition of the individual countries' chain linked volumes).


From June 2020: EU refers to EU27_2020, which is the European Union with a fixed area composition of the current 27 countries. Domestic extraction of Waste for final treatment and disposal and Other products are not applicable.