Nordic Statistics
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Environment and energy
Geography and climate
Integration and migration
EDUC30: Foreign-born who are in secondary or tertiary education with two foreign parents, by reporting country, level of education, country background, time, sex, age and unit

EDUC31: Percent of pupils who have not completed secondary education (ISCED 3) within 5 or 6 years of enrollment, by reporting country, years since enrollment, country background, time, population category, sex and unit

EDUC32: Educational attainment, by reporting country, level of education, country background, time, population category, sex, age and unit

EDUC33: Educational attainment among foreign-born with two foreign-born parents, by reporting country, level of education, time, reason for residence permit, sex and unit

EDUC34: Descendants who are in secondary or tertiary education, by reporting country, level of education, country background, time, sex, age and unit

Labour market
International trade
Labour market
Nordic Gender Equality Indicators
Nordic Indicators for our Vision 2030
Prices and Consumption
Public finance
Science and technology
Social integration and income