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GREE12: Consumption based greenhouse gas emissions by reporting country and time

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Thousand tonnes of CO2 equivalent
Statistics Denmark [AFTRYK].
Statistics Sweden [MI1301MPSPINN].
Eurostat [env_ac_io10] (EU).
Nordic Statistics database (Nordic Region) [GREE12].
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Sökfält för att markera värden i listan2008 , 2009 , 2010 ,

Valda 1 Totalt 15

Antal valda celler är:
(maximalt tillåtna antal är 1 000 000)

Presentation på skärmen är begränsad till 1 000 rader och 50 kolumner

Antal valda celler överstiger tillåtna 1 000 000
This is a vision indicator selected by the Nordic Council of Ministers. It relates to the target Climate action under the area A green Nordic region.

The indicator shows greenhouse gas emissions caused by consumption, in thousand tonnes of CO2 equivalents. This is also known as the 'climate footprint'. It includes consumption by households, the public sector, investment and stocks according to national and the environmental accounting framework. It includes emissions from both domestically-produced and imported goods and services.

In the table, the Nordic Region is comprised of the following countries: Denmark and Sweden.

For more information on Our Vision 2030 and the indicators, please see this article.

reporting country


Total domestic final use for total industries and global origin.


Total type of use excluding exports. Global origin.


The footprint is derived by combining the estimates for final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation for total global origin. Latest available data is reported three years before the current year (t-3).

The green house gas (GHG) footprint is a measure of how much GHG was emitted along the full production chain of a product that ends up in the EU as final consumption or investment, irrespective of the industry or country where the GHG emission occurred. These emissions are sometimes referred to as emissions 'embodied' in EU consumption, although they are not literally included in the final products, and these products are not only consumed, but may also be investment goods. For details, please refer to the Eurostat metadata.