Nordic Statistics
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Environment and energy
Geography and climate
Integration and migration
International trade
Labour market
Nordic Gender Equality Indicators
Nordic Indicators for our Vision 2030
Prices and Consumption
PRIC01: National consumer price indices, index (2015=100), by reporting country, product group and time

PRIC02: Exchange rates by period, exchange rate, reporting country and time

PRIC03: Price level index in selected countries by price level index, reporting country and time

PRIC05: House price indices (2015=100) by reporting country and time

PRIC06: Harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP), index (2015=100), by reporting country, product group and time

SHAR01: Share price indices (2015=100) by reporting country and time

SHAR02: Interest rates, yields (% per annum) on 10-year central government bonds by reporting country and time

Smoking and alcohol
Public finance
Science and technology
Social integration and income