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SHAR01: Share price indices (2015=100) by reporting country and time

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Index (2015=100)
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) [OECD].
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Valda 0 Totalt 6

Sökfält för att markera värden i listan1990Q1 , 1990Q2 , 1990Q3 ,

Valda 1 Totalt 139

Antal valda celler är:
(maximalt tillåtna antal är 1 000 000)

Presentation på skärmen är begränsad till 1 000 rader och 50 kolumner

Antal valda celler överstiger tillåtna 1 000 000
The share price indices included are targeted to be all-share or broad indices. They are prices indices not return indices, i.e. they exclude dividend payments. A share price index measures how the value of the stocks in the index is changing.

Quarterly data are averages for all countries.

reporting country


Data refer to the KAX CSE All. Shares price index quoted on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.


Includes Åland.

The HEX All Share index measures average monthly changes in the buying quotations of all shares quoted on the Helsinki stock Exchange.


Data measure the monthly changes in share prices quoted in the Iceland Stock Exchange (ISE).


The TOTX (All share index) is a capital weighted price index intended to provide a general overview of movements in Norwegian listed shares quoted on the Oslo Stock Exchange Quotations. The index is dividend adjusted.


The AFGX (Affärsvärldens Generalindex) is a broad stock market index designed to measure the market performance of the Stockholm Stock Exchange. This index is used to evaluate share performance, not portfolio performance, as dividends are not reinvested in the index.


EA referes to Euro area (EA19-2015) . Data refer to the Dow Jones EURO STOXX Broad Benchmark Index. Dividends are excluded. Detailed information on the index is available at http://www.stoxx.com/index.html.